Discover the top 5 barricades rental companies in Florida for construction, events, and traffic control

Barricades are like temporary barriers used to control traffic and keep events safe. They are important in Florida, where there are many fun events and is generally a bus city. It is crucial to pick the right company when you need to rent water-filled barricades. In this blog, we will discuss the top five water-filled barricade rental companies in Florida. We will look at their reputation, how much they cost, the different types of barricades they offer, and what customers think about them.

1. Valtir

Valtir is a big name in Florida for water-filled barricades. They have various barricades for traffic control and events. They are known for being reliable, offering good prices, and having flexible rental terms. This makes them popular for events and construction projects.

Furthermore, they stand out for having a variety of barricades. Whether it is directing traffic or keeping people safe at events, they have the correct barricades. Their traffic barricades are easy to see and strong, meeting safety standards. This is important in construction zones or areas with road improvements.

For events needing crowd control, they have barricades that work well and can be set up in different ways. They can create paths or block off areas, ensuring smooth operations. Event organizers opt these barricades because they are versatile and can handle different crowd sizes.

Valtir is also known for fair prices. They focus on affordability without compromising quality, making them a top choice for businesses and event planners on a budget. Their pricing is clear, building trust with clients.

To make things convenient, they offer flexible rental terms. Whether for a short event or a longer project, clients can choose how long to rent the water-filled barricades. This flexibility shows they care about clients and understand their different needs.

2. Epic Solutions

Epic Solutions is a company in Florida that cares a lot about its customers. They have many different barricades and portable barrier rental to choose from, like water-filled barricades and pedestrian barricades. This way, they make sure to have the right solution for what their clients need.

Keeping people safe is really important for Epic Solutions. They make barricades that are strong and safe for both workers and the public. For example, their water-filled barricades are sturdy and help control traffic while reducing the risk of injury if there is an accident.

Epic Solutions is also different because they are clear about their prices. Clients like that they know exactly what they are paying for, with no hidden fees. This openness in money matters makes clients trust the company more and feel good about their services.

3. Rapid Barricades

Rapid Barricades a top company for water-filled barricades. They focus on making barricades that are really good and new. They have barricades for building roads, events, and more. The barricades are strong and work well in different places. This makes sure that people are safe and the barricades last a long time, which is good for clients because it is not too expensive.

Rapid Barricades always tries to be the best. They use new ideas and make sure their barricades have the newest things. This helps clients have the best barricades for safety and getting things done right in building and events.

4. Acme Barricades

Acme Barricades is really good at making barricades to control traffic and keep everyone safe. What makes them special is that they can make customized solutions for different projects. This means they can make barricades that are just right for each job.

They are clear about how much everything costs, which is great for customers. This means customers know exactly how much they will have to pay for their barricades. This clear way of doing things helps customers trust the company more.

Acme Barricades cares a lot about making customers happy. They are good at talking with customers and making sure they get what they need. They stay in touch from the beginning to the end of a project. Even after the job is done, they keep making sure customers are happy. This makes people think of them as a company they can trust and rely on for barricades.

5. Bon’s Barricades

Bon’s Barricades is a company that helps organize events. They have special barricades to control big crowds at festivals and concerts. The company is known for being really good at providing what event organizers need.

They pay a lot of attention to small details, which is important for planning events. They understand how crowds behave and give barricades that not only work well but also look nice. This helps make events successful, especially when it comes to managing the crowd.

One important thing about Bon’s Barricades is that they work quickly. Events have tight schedules, so it is crucial to set up and remove barricades fast. The company is dedicated to being fast, making it easier for event organizers to run their events smoothly without worrying about delays.

Bon’s Barricades is clear about how much everything costs, which is good for event organizers. This helps them plan and budget well. The company is also committed to making sure their clients are happy, which makes them a trusted partner for events that need barricades.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How much does it cost to rent barricades in Florida, and do these companies tell you the price clearly?

The cost of renting barricades in Florida can vary. The companies we talked about, like Valtir, Epic Solutions, Rapid Barricades, Acme Barricades, and Bon’s Barricades, are good because they make sure you know exactly how much you have to pay.

2. Can these barricades companies help you if your event is short or if your project takes a long time?

 Yes, these companies are helpful. Whether your event is short or your project is long, they let you decide how long you want to rent the barricades. It's flexible and works for what you need.

3. Do these companies have different types of barricades for things like traffic, construction, or events?

Yes, they do. Valtir, Epic Solutions, Rapid Barricades, Acme Barricades, and Bon’s Barricades have different kinds of barricades. Some are for controlling traffic, some for construction work, and some for events. This way, you can get the right barricades for what you are doing.


To pick the best barricade rental company in Florida, think about what you really need and like. These top five companies provide different a lot of options, services that focus on customers, new ideas, customized solutions, and specific options for events. They are good choices for different needs and whenever you need.